Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Latin help, google translator isn't good enough.?

i'm writing a story, just for my own entertainment, but i want this to be correct. I took some ideas from the movie boondock saints because frankly there isn't enough killing of the bad guys, so i want good guy killers, but w.e. enough background. if anyone can speak latin, or anything i'd like to know if these sentences make sense:

1. sum iudicium, sum vindicto, iudicabo omnes mali et ero Dei lamina.

2.sum redemtio, sum veritas, dimittam mali pro peccatorum, c u m (%26lt;%26lt;this cant been seen so i split it up) sacrificium

oblivioni omnes regni cå¿™lorum exeatis

3.kyrie eleison, dabimus enim nulla|||Might be better if you post what you want to say. Your first sentence comes out;

I am the trial/court, I belong to the defender/protector, I will judge all (mali doesn't work at all) and I will of God (plate, veneer, thin sheet of metal)

Don't know where you got these, but they're not really meaningful in Latin, and i can't guess what you're trying to say. I would have taken a shot at the first one until I got to lamina - have no idea on that.

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