Friday, January 20, 2012

I need a Latin translator for iphone?

What's the best app for translating old latin to English and English to Latin! Not Spanish!|||Firstly, I don't know if there's a person alive with thorough knowledge of Old Latin - there just isn't a lot of data about it. Most people study Classical or Ecclesiastical Latin.

Secondly, there is no automatic translator that can translate into grammatically correct Latin. Even Google Translate is a miserable excuse for a translator. I will demonstrate:

I wrote this for Google to translate:

I was walking down the street when I saw a bird.

It's translation was:

Ego ambulans vidi vici avi descendisti.

Literally, that means "I, walking, saw. You descended for the bird of the street." Terrible, right? It gets worse... this is how Google translates it back to English:

I saw I, walking down the street of his grandfather.

NEVER trust automatic translators.

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