Friday, January 27, 2012

I am looking for a human translator to translate "Christ Is Lord" into accurate Latin for me?


I am looking for a human translator to translate "Christ Is Lord" into Latin for me. I want to get it as a tattoo and don't want it to be crap.

Thanks,|||Dominus Iesus Christus.|||There are two main possibilities, which are as follows:

Christus (est) Dominus - a literal translation of the English; the word order is the same in both languages.

Chritus regnat - literally Christ reigns/is king/master/lord etc. This is the intransitive verb meaning reign in Latin; to make it clear that it is intransitive (as opposed to the transitive rego), translations such as 'is king' are frequently used. To me it seems more natural Latin, but either would be acceptable.|||You will often see in biblical text : Christus Dominus ~ Lord Christ : Christ the Lord

If you specifically want to express 'is' then say ~ Christus est Dominus|||I think it would be "Christus Dominus est" or "Christus est Dominus" (they're equivalent, word order is kind of free in Latin) but you should check that against other answers.

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