Friday, January 20, 2012

I am looking for a human Latin translator?

I am looking for a human Latin translator?

I would like someone to help me translate the phrase "For those I Love, I will Sacrifice" in latin

I am planning to get this as a tattoo and put it down my rib cage. Just want to make sure I get the most accurate translation possible. So far I have " illi ego diligo ego mos vitualmen" I have a feeling this isn't it because I received this translation from a computer translation website. If anyone can please help, I'll greatly appreciate it!|||Your feeling is right. Translation sites usually create a mess. One way to say what you want is "Pro illis quos amo, sacrificabo."|||Illis quos amo iacturam faciam.

The online translator did worse than usual - 'vitualmen' isn't even a word in Latin. There is the word 'vitulamen', but that means something like a shoot or sprig of a plant.

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