Friday, January 27, 2012

Can you translate this to Latin - no Google Translator?

'Envy is ignorance; Imitation is suicide'

I could always put it through Google Translator, but it's almost never grammatically correct.|||Perhaps:

invidere est ignorare; imitari est arcessere mortem

invidere = to envy (present infinitive active of invideo, I envy)

est = is (third person singular present indicative of sum, I am)

ignorare = to be ignorant (present infinitive active of ignoro, I am ignorant)

imitari = to imitate (present infinitive of deponent verb imitor, I imitate)

est = is (third person singular present indicative of sum, I am)

arcessere mortem = to commit suicide (present infinitive active of arcesso, I invite; accusative singular of mors, death)

Done with a knowledge of Latin, not with Google Translate.|||"Invidia ignorantia est; mortem Imitation est"

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