Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Where can i find a good latin to english translator online?

You can't. There is no such thing.

You simply need to learn Latin.

You might find there two resources are useful: this is teh cursum latinum on youtube

and is an audio resource for learning and improving your Latin.|||You post your passage to be translated here. There are quite a few good Latinists who frequent this site and will be glad to help you if it's not obviously homework. As for online translation sites, forget it! Some seem to be a little better than others, but none is really good. You could do almost as well yourself by looking up each word in a Latin-English dictionary. A dictionary won't tell you the person, number, or tense of a verb, or the case and number of a noun or adjective, but neither will a translation site,|||Hi,

You can try to use this free online translator which I use for a long time! It can help you translate 75 different languages and it should be something that can help you!

Hope this helps!

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