Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Where can I find an automatic Latin to English translator?

Like google's babel fish|||Nope, it doesn't exist. None on line translator is properly working to translate accurately any kind of sentence and with Latin, a very complicate language with cases and declensions, this is even more true.

When all the answerers have given you perhaps 5/6 names of the most popular on line translators post in all of them a short sentence in English to translate into Latin. Then post the resulting Latin sentence to be retranslated into English, by using the same link. You'll see how funny will be all the results.....!!

I've made a test with a very simple sentence by using a link I've found鈥?/a>

Sentence in English is "Know your rights" that in correct Latin is "Nosce iura tua". From English to Latin the resulting on line translation is " Teneo vestri vox" that translated again into English becomes " To occupy your cry"....!!

Very nice, isnt't ?

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