Saturday, February 4, 2012

Enlish to Latin(Ancient Roman) phrase translator?

I was wondering if some one could convert a phrase from English into latin(as in ancient Roman latin) for me. Here is the quote"Preparing for life" Then only people can think of that can do this would be a doctor, lawyer, or an old Catholic Priest. Thanks|||Depends on whether you mean a participle (ad vitam parans) or a gerund (ad vitam parare).

People do this all the time with translation requests. "Preparing for war is important" and "everyone is preparing for war" are grammatically different uses of preparing.|||lol, "Ancient Roman." It's "Latin," don't worry. There's no other special name for it. Latin hasn't changed much since the times of Ancient Rome (since it's officially a dead language that has been preserved for hundreds of years), so just saying "Latin" will be understandable that you want "Ancient Roman Latin."

Here's my attempt (though I could be wrong): "paratus vita"

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