Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Where can I find a great latin translator (English to Latin & Latin to English) on the web?

Hey, I'm a Latin scholar, and I'm looking for a good way to check my translations... Is there any FREE software or any online tools or websites that could help me out?

Thanks so much!|||WILLIAM WHITAKER'S WORDS!!!

this is possibly the best site/download (you can choose either) there is for latin to english/english to latin translator available. Just google the name (or latin to english translator), and find a site that has it as a download (if that is what you want), or use the nd archives site for the best online version.

(just click on the William Whitaker's Words box in the middle of the screen--for online use only)

or use this site for both a download and online use:鈥?/a>||||||Google translations|||Hi ! OK, here are three websites that will enable you to check or double-check words and translations from Latin to English, and vice-versa . Good luck:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

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