Saturday, February 4, 2012

What is the Latin word for Great Empire, Conquest, or Empire?

I am writing a story and an ancient Roman/Greek based empire I made up needs a name. I was looking for a name to give to my country/empire and I wanted it to be latin. If anyone knows how to say "Great Empire" "Conquest" or "Empire" and can tell me, I would highly appreciate it. It's very hard to find an online Latin translator. I found one once, but I can't remember what I typed in to get the website. Thank you for your time and have a great day.|||empire in latin is "IMPERIUM".

Tacitus and Svetonius just used "imperium" to indicate the Roman Empire; I don't think you need to add "magnum".

Conquest is translated with "occupatio" or "expugnatio".

To conquest a kingdom is "occupare regnum";

see also :|||Imperium Magnum; vincere as verb, victus as noun (implies violent conquest. "Conquere", with as noun form "conquestus", means "to gather together, to collect"); Imperium.

Also, you can just google Latin translators.|||"Conqueror" means " I grieve";

conquestus means "lament"

Latin is too hard for a PC!

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