Wednesday, February 1, 2012

English to Latin Translator?

My boyfriend is wanting to get a tattoo in Latin but he needs it translated first. It is an excerpt from a Bible verse and says "If Christ hath not risen, your faith is in vain"|||"si Christus non resurrexit, vana est fides vestra" 1 Cor 15:17

If you need a Bible quotation in Latin, check a Latin Bible.|||You really really really shouldn't trust a Latin translation from a complete stranger. An online translator is really worse. That thing would be on his body forever, and I don't think he wants it in broken Latin. Since the tattoo that he wants is religious, I suggest that you find a member of the Catholic church to translate.|||Go with Lastunta's answer... the whole Bible in Latin can be found using that link. It's a completely trustworthy source.

I know a good deal of Latin, but yea, I don't want to make a grammar mistake. If you need anything not from the Bible in Latin, your best bet is to talk with a university professor. A good number of them know Latin, especially in the Classics departments.|||Yahoo has a translation site - try it out.

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