Saturday, February 11, 2012

What is the difference between these Latin words for "Father"?

I used a free online translator to look up the latin word for "father." It came back with six words--abbas, sator, abbatis, pater, patris, and gigno.

I know that pater is basically father and patris is more like "of the father" but beyond that I'm stumped.

Can anyone explain the basic difference between these words? Also, was there any Latin word that was an informal version of "father?" Perhaps a word that meant closer to our English "dad" or "daddy?"|||Of those, only pater - none of the others was ever in general use to mean father in the literal sense. "Abbas" is an Aramaic term that was used in Christian religious contexts. . "gigno" is the verb "to father" like in "he fathered the child." "Sator" is basically "sower" (i.e. inseminater), not exactly a term of endearment. "Papa" is the only one I'm aware of, and I don't know if it was in use classically or not. (It did for sure exist in the time of the late Empire though).|||about the difference i don麓t know

i call my dad "PAPI" it麓s like daddy.

How do you say this sentence in Latin? *no online translators*?

Please tell me your source. I know it's hard to translate "soulmate" but if you can't translate it literally (which is not preferable) please tell me what you translated it as. Thanks!

"My soulmate treats me like a princess"|||Dilectus meus me filia regis utitur.

Dilectus is from the verb diligo. It may mean beloved (and is so translated in the Vulgate), but it is a milder form of affection (amo is stronger) and carries more of a connotation of having special regard for.|||I didn't even know they still TAUGHT Latin. Are you studying to be a priest? There IS no exact translation for "soulmate", by the way, just like there is no such thing as "grey" in Latin (it's "light black"), as YOU no doubt found when you tried to use an olline translator. Ask your instructor.|||Have you heard of GOOGLE TRANSLATER?????? DUHHH

How do you say this sentence in Latin? *no online translators*?

Please tell me your source. I know it's hard to translate "soulmate" but if you can't translate it literally ,please tell me what you translated it as. Thanks!

"My soulmate treats me like a princess"|||you dont

How would you say "since feeling is first" in Latin?

"Since feeling is first" is my favorite poem by e.e. cummings - I would like to get the title tattooed in Latin, but online translators are rarely reliable. Would any Latin students be able to provide me with a grammatical translation?|||Quoniam sensus primus est.|||There is a person in this forum who majored in Latin, try to find her. I wish I could help more, but I'm only a first year Latin student and I wouldn't want to tell you something and have it be wrong.

A very good online translator is鈥?/a>

It will give you every possible form of the English word and the Latin equivalent. However, the case and tenses may not match, so again, check with a professional if you can find one.|||I TAKE LATIN 1 AND IM IN EIGHTH GRADE! GO ME

Can any one translate this from English to Latin: NO MERCY- with real grammer not an online translator text?


but it can be also

SINE MISERICORDIA or SINE PIETATE (Without mercy)|||Translate what????

Could someone fluent in Latin help me with a mystery paragraph?

I found a paragraph of text in some old family documents and I can't quite make sense of it? I want to find a proper translation, not one done over an internet translator site as i could just do that myself. Could I PV someone who is fluent enough in Latin to perhaps make sense of it?|||Sure|||I tell me.....

Can anyone translate accurately from English to Latin?

I need an accurate translation from English to Latin. Online translators really suck in general and they can never get the right words. Help! I need translated:

I am a monster

I am cursed

I am forsaken

but before a was these

I was human

thanks for your help

I greatly appreciate it!

Steve|||Dozeo is absolutely right!|||Monstrum sum (I am a monster)

Maledictus sum (I am cursed)

Humanus sum (I am human)

Humanus eram (I was human)

"but before a was these" does not make any sense